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How to become a certified athletic therapist

Studying Canadian Athletic Therapist Asscociation just like other specialized medical training courses requires time, skill and knowledge. To become a good athletic therapist one should be concerned about the health and wellbeing of other people first. In order to make a good athletic therapist one should also be good in biology and other science studies that teach the human anatomy. In addition, you should have the love of seeing athletes perform better while in the field, avoid injury and return quickly to the field when an injury occurs.


In order to become an CATA a bachelor’s degree is required. This is usually done in four years in most jurisdictions. The bachelor’s degree can be offered by a university or a college of your choice. It is imperative that the degree is pursued in a college or university that has an accredited program. Programs in athletic therapist, just like in any other medical training, need to be accredited by the relevant bodies so that grandaunts from that course will be recognized in the market. While choosing a university or college to undertake the training, ensure that the institution is offering accredited programs. You can contact the accrediting body to know if the school is accredited.


Certification is given to the athletic therapist after they have done a certification exam. The exam is conducted by the certifying bodies which are the BOC, Body of certification in the United States and the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association in Canada. The examinations conducted by the certifying bodies are stringent and rigorous and a lot of practice is required for one to be able to pass. In addition to passing the CATA exam in Canada, the athletic therapist is required to fulfill 1200 hours of supervised practical training under a certified athletic therapist. Also, they are required to obtain a first responder certificate. In addition to being certified by these bodies in some jurisdictions the athletic therapist might require to be allowed to practice by the state or the province they are in.

Other than just the bachelor’s degree, athletic therapist can acquire a master’s degree. This can also be done by those people who wish to work as athletic therapist but have a degree in another course that is not athletic training, kinesiology or exercises science. For a person with another degree it might also be necessary for them to acquire a second degree in athletic therapy to become competent athletic therapists and be highly marketable.

Where does a certified athletic therapist work?

Most athletic therapists work in sports institutions and teams whether amateur or professional. They also work in private sports medicine clinics and in colleges and universities. An athletic therapist can also conduct their own private practice  to elite athletes in their regions.

For More Details: Click Here

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